2022 Food Code Adoption

The Collaborative Makes the 2022 Food Code Adoption Easier Than Ever 

The Food Code is a science-based set of guidelines that helps states create effective food safety regulations. But how do states actually adopt the Food Code? Here are some tips on 2022 Food Code Adoption.

The Retail Food Safety Regulatory Association Collaborative (the Collaborative) has developed a toolbox to help states navigate the adoption process. This toolbox includes: 

  • Explanations of the Food Code and its benefits. 
  • Answers to frequently asked questions. 
  • Information on how the Food Code has changed over time. 
  • Statements of support from key stakeholders. 
  • Scientific studies that show the Food Code works. 
  • Training materials and resources. 

The toolbox is a living document that’s constantly being updated with new information. It was created based on a survey of food safety professionals across the country. 

The Collaborative also offers targeted adoption approaches. For example, they’re working with South Dakota, a state currently using an outdated version of the Food Code. By comparing the old and new versions, the Collaborative is showing South Dakota how adopting the latest Food Code could improve public health. 

Finally, the Collaborative is raising awareness among decision-makers by distributing postcards that highlight the benefits of Food Code adoption. 

By providing resources and support, the Collaborative is making it easier for states to adopt the Food Code and keep our food supply safe.